
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Statement

With the current uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of Coronavirus we wanted to assure our customers and business partners we have a plan to manage business continuity in these difficult times.

We have taken precautions internally to protect staff and others we come into contact with.  This includes reducing group meetings and non-essential travel, installing hand sanitisers, training staff on good hygiene protocols, limiting visitors to our facility, and initiating a ‘work from home’ policy for those with the capacity to do so.

We have reviewed our manufacturing and supply chain, and our contingencies give us good assurance of meeting continuing customer demand.  Plans in place include increasing our finished goods store, increasing stock holding in remote stores, both in mainland Europe and in the US, and ensuring we have a staff rota to provide continuous support.

Clearly, this is a fast-developing issue, with changes to local and national policy each day.  We will continue to monitor local government advice, international positions, and update our policy and practice as required.

It is our committed intention, to the very best of our ability, to protect our workforce, ensure continuity of supply, and work with our commercial customers and partners to get through this unprecedented dilemma with the minimal amount of disruption.  If individual businesses have additional requirements to suit their changing business model, we would be very happy to hear from you and work to meet your needs.

We wish you all well and hope you keep safe, manage your businesses to the best of your ability, and we look forward to a speedy return to the ‘normality’ of a regular business function.