Outdoor solutions
Outdoors learning is just as important as its classroom-based counterpart
Outdoors learning should be supported at every opportunity
Enrich and contextualise a child’s education
Many alternatives present themselves, from teachers using the school grounds and field visits, to nature reserves, beach visits, museum and gallery trips.
Introduction to outdoor learning
Learning in the outdoors is how we make learning really come alive for our students in all subject areas, engaging and inspiring them to take their studies further.
Creating and maintaining ponds
Ponds are a brilliant resource for outdoor learning and a valuable habitat for wildlife.
Habitat creation and maintenance
Perfect for the dark, secluded corners of your school grounds, creating minibeast habitats is simple and your students will love exploring them.
Lesson plans
There are plenty of different things to learn and explore outside, and outdoor lessons are the perfect way to get your class interacting with the environment around them.
Outdoor learning top tips
When outside, work in small groups that the children recognise, like the ones they are in for numeracy or literacy.
Discover effective strategies and inspiring ideas to enhance your outdoor teaching and learning experiences.